Let me see if I got it right. The Puppini bridge essentially contains all allowed joins. My first problem with that is we have such a thing already, it is called semantic layer. And it works on query level and does not require to create such a monster table.
When I change your query to group by Product (the Forecast is not on product level), it will still return correct data, wouldn't it? I would see the forecast sum on the product NULL and the actuals per product. And that is the most correct result for such "wrong" user request we can produce.
Issue #2 is that many fact tables have implicit dimensions, that are foreign keys which are dimensions by themselves. Say order-completed Yes/No. As the bridge works with foreign key relationships there must be a separate dimension table. Not nice but okay.
Data Loading should be fine. One new order record requires one new record in the bridge table. In a Star schema as opposed to a Snowflake schema there are not even derived foreign keys.
If I am not mistaken, I see the potential but for a real life use case with millions of orders, shippings, invoices, payments, ... and 100 dimensions this Pippini table simply gets too large and wide.
Much easier and faster to use a semantic layer on query level:
select category, sum(sales), sum(forecast) from
select category, sum(sales), null from orders
union all
select category, null, sum(forecast) from forecast
Two simple queries with a single join between a large and a small table, taking full advantage of all database optimization and quick secondary step to combine the two into one resultset.